Posts tagged massachusetts family photographer
Dana, Dave, & Caleb Family Session - Smith College, Northampton, MA

Dana and Dave reached out to me about getting some family photos while they were visiting home (Western Massachusetts) for the holidays. Smith College in Northampton is Dana’s alma mater and also the location that Dana and Dave chose to take engagement photos, so it made for a special setting to take some family photos with their 2 and 1/2 year old son, Caleb.

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Andi & Warren Newborn Lifestyle Session

Meet Andi & Warren! After spending two weeks in the NICU, these preemie twins made their way home healthy and we did an in-home lifestyle session when they were around 2 months old.

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Lindy and Willie's Maternity Session (feat. Summer the Puppy)

Lindy and Willie have a lot going on in their lives right now! They welcomed a new puppy named Summer into their family and are about to welcome a baby in May. For their maternity session, we started on their front steps and took Summer for a walk through the neighborhood and into Rye Town Park.

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Lela and Paul's Newborn Session (Otis)

After photographing their engagement session and maternity photos, Lela and Paul asked me to do an in-home newborn session once Lela gave birth back in January. This was my first ever newborn session and I fell in love with it immediately.

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