Dana, Dave, & Caleb Family Session - Smith College, Northampton, MA

Dana and Dave reached out to me about getting some family photos while they were visiting home (Western Massachusetts) for the holidays. Smith College in Northampton is Dana’s alma mater and also the location that Dana and Dave chose to take engagement photos, so it made for a special setting to take some family photos with their 2 and 1/2 year old son, Caleb. We started off near the greenhouse and arboretum and made our way down the dirt path by Paradise Pond, ending up on the bench swing overlooking the pond.

Caleb was a little bit shy and preferred staying close to mom and dad, but that was no problem as it helped them to be a part of almost every photo. It was also very cold out so we kept it moving constantly. Thanks to some creativity on Dana and Dave’s part, they discovered that the phrase, “It’s chilly willy bing bong cold!” made Caleb crack up, and so of course, I had them repeat that for the remainder of the session to get some natural smiles and laughter (big shout out to Richard Wylde for the magic phrase!).

It was so much fun spending some time with this awesome family - maybe next time we’ll try meeting up in some less chilly willy bing bong cold weather? Warm sun and green grass sound pretty great to me right now.